Car park sensor KSK-Magnetic RevC. Wireless parking spaces' occupancy detector is dedicated for the use on on road car parks, in particular, located in the dense urban infrastructure. Each parking space is equipped with a wireless sensor mounted directly in the existing surface.
Installation and Maintenance
Installation, Maintenance, Replacement
Sensor to glue to different surfaces.
No maintenance needed.
Core exchangeable without removing the base from the ground.
As to surface-mount sensors, the requirements are much more complex. It needs to be quite thin for vehicle and pedestrian safety reasons. And the casing should be able to withstand heavy mechanical loads.
- Outdoor parking lot
- On-street parking lot
- Indoor garage parking lot
- Loading and unloading center
- Car wash and gas center
It has already widely deployed in the United Arab Emirates, Ireland, Belgium, Bulgaria, Poland.
Height: 18.9 mm
Diameter: 137 mm
Mass: 205 g
Technical parameters
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